Amplify Results
with Paid Ads + Organic SEO

Paid Ads and Dedicated Landing Pages

How paid ads and website content work together to amplify results.


ClearLight had amazing technology but was not well known in the scientific sectors they sought to serve. Their website traffic was low, and initial attempts at paid advertising were lack-luster. 


Website traffic increased approximately 20X over initial levels, while bounce rate remained low. ClearLight got quality leads and sales from website traffic, whereas prior to our work, sales had only come through peer-to-peer networking. Today ClearLight ranks as the number one search result on Google for their most relevant key phrases.


  • 20X traffic increase
  • First place in search for most relevant keywords
  • Website is 24/7 salesperson

What We Did

We researched keywords related to ClearLight and their scientific research. After identifying the most important keywords, we created keystone content pages around those keywords on their website. Then we created paid ad campaigns around specific keyword groups and sent the traffic to the relevant page on their website.

Making sure the keywords, ads and landing page content were all closely related maximized the results of our ad budget as the keyword-tuned content pages increased the organic SEO around the most relevant keywords.

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